Temporary ads Serving Limit Placed on your Adsense Account: Causes & How To Fix

Temporary ads Serving Limit Placed on your Adsense account. There are a plethora of possible causes for Adsense ads not to display on your website.

To put it bluntly, Adsense restricts your website’s ad serving capacity when they determine that you’ve violated an Adsense regulation, most often by indulging in unlawful activities such as traffic acquisition, the use of clickbait, and the generation of invalid clicks, traffic, and so on.

Limite de diffusion des publicités

What Are Ads Serving Limit?

Google Ads Limit is a notification sent to the ad publisher via his Google Adsense account. Due to the Google Ads Limit, the publisher’s website’s advertisements are decreased or eliminated. This ad limit notification is displayed on the publisher’s website for three months; if all visits to the publisher’s website are completely unique and arrived via Google’s search engine, this notice is automatically erased from the publisher account.

Different Types Ads Serving Limit

Have you ever wondered why Google can restrict the number of ads that your AdSense account can display? It all comes down to their ad network’s honesty.

They wish to safeguard advertisers against fraud, users against negative user experiences, and to preserve publisher partnerships. Often, ad serving restrictions are temporary, pending resolution of specific traffic quality issues. At the moment, two distinct ad serving limits exist:

Assessing the account

When this limit is reached, AdSense is reviewing the quality of your traffic. Often, there is no specific period of time in which to wait for restrictions to be lifted. They will automatically review and update the limit as new information about your traffic quality becomes available.

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Ads Serving Limit: Invalid Traffic concerns

Similarly to the previous situation, your account has been restricted here due to Google’s systems detecting some erroneous traffic concerns. Once again, they will automatically review and update the limit as new information about your traffic quality becomes available.

Are you unsure what constitutes invalid traffic? While there are numerous sorts of illegitimate traffic, it is commonly defined as traffic created by bots who then click on your AdSense advertisements. Additionally, it can contain unintentional clicks and clicks from click farms.

How To Remove Ads Serving Limit From Your Google Adsense Account

The following are some solutions for resolving Google ads serving constraints or restrictions:

  1. Review Advertisement Placements

Although we indicated that you should insert additional ad codes when your AdSense account is restricted with limited ad serving, we would like to emphasize that you should exercise caution and avoid placing ads in locations or areas that are too close to content or clickable features. If you have been fooling your visitors with certain texts that force them to click on ads without realizing it or under duress, you need to reconsider your strategy at this point.

It’s important to check those ad spots to avoid not only invalid traffic, but also invalid clicks, which could result in your account being permanently terminated.

  1. Avoid Commissioned Traffic

This cannot be underlined enough. Regrettably, a large number of Publishers are unaware that AdSense dislikes paid traffic. It’s pretty concerning that the majority of publishers rely heavily on either sponsored traffic or traffic from third-party websites to drive visitors to their websites.

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This is not just infuriating, but also hazardous. Avoid it at all costs. If your AdSense account is already restricted due to limited ad serving, you should discontinue providing traffic to your site from those sources in favor of organic (search engine) traffic.

  1. Ads Serving Limit: Review Your Sources Of Traffic

While many publishers claim they have no idea why their AdSense account has been restricted from displaying ads, the cause is not implausible.

The biggest reason for reduced ad serving on Google AdSense appears to be invalid traffic issues, and the first thing to do when you encounter this notification on your dashboard is to evaluate your traffic sources.

If the majority of your traffic comes from social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter, or from other websites, this is why your AdSense account has been slapped with ad serving restrictions. Ideally, search engines should be your principal source of traffic. Anything less is a recipe for disaster for you and your site.

  1. Prioritize Quality Traffic

Here, quality traffic is determined by the source, not the tier. Organic traffic is deemed to be THE ‘legitimate traffic’ by AdSense. If your daily page views are between 50 and 200, your site is not suitable for AdSense.

However, AdSense does not require any traffic, correct? True, however you’ll need a large number of visitors to earn a living from AdSense. With a daily page view count of 200 or less, it may take a long time to reach the $100 minimum level. Create high-quality content to increase traffic to your website and earn money with the proper sort of traffic, the quality type!

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We hope this post has assisted you in resolving the Adsense ad limit issue you’re now experiencing. Meanwhile, it is recommended that you follow the general techniques given in this post for addressing Adsense ad limitations. In this manner, you can be certain that future instances of ad serving limits will be avoided.