Travailler au Canada sans permis de travail

If you are here you are probably looking for information on how to work in Canada without a job permit. Statistics show that there were about 6,864.28 jobs in Ontario Canada as of 2020, and a total of 6.86 million people both employed and unemployed.

Travailler au Canada sans permis de travail

So the question remains, how can you leverage this information? How can you land your own job without the hassle of seeking for a job permit?

Contrary to popular beliefs by many individuals that you need a work permit before you can be offered a job in Canada, there are still places or fields in which you can work without the need for a work permit.

In this article, we are going to list out the various jobs that you can get in Canada without the need for a work permit.

Types of jobs in Canada that do not require a Work Permit

Here are the following jobs in Canada that do not require a job permit:

Business Travelers

Business Travellers are mostly foreign nationals who travel to Canada frequently to undertake business activities but do not engage the labor force in such a country.

People who are found in such fields are not required to hold a work permit. Before conducting their businesses in the Country. But there is a fine line between a business traveler and a business person.

A business traveler goes to another country to conduct a temporal business transaction after which they leave the country. This could be within a space of 1 day to 3 months.

While a business person is someone who goes to a country to conduct a business transaction which in order words establishes a footprint in such country. Their businesses are established in such countries.

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Such a case might require you to have a work permit.

Civil Aviation Inspector

There are currently over 100 civil aviation inspectors in Canada, specifically in Ontario. If you are employed to check the flight operations and cabin safety of international flights through Canada, you may not be required to hold a work permit.

These sets of individuals are given a work permit letter of exemption. This allows them to perform their duties without the need for a work permit.

An Athlete or coach

Quite a number of athletes have found their way over the Canadian borders to visit, stay or work. If you are a foreign national who is a member of a foreign athletic team who is competing in Canada, you would not be required to hold a work permit.

There are protocols that exempt athletes, coaches, and members of a foreign team from having a work permit to perform their duties in a foreign country.

Aviation accident or incident investigator

Aviation accident or incident investigators are people called upon in the event of an aviation accident. These sets of professionals are exempted from having a work permit in a foreign country due to the nature and urgency of their work.

To have full benefits of such privileges, such individuals are expected to be under Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act.


For individuals who are part of a clergy organisation, a pastor, minister, or ordained spiritual leader. You qualify for a work permit letter of exemption to perform any religious work in Canada.

This is exclusive to only spiritual leaders who are in the country to only perform religious work in said country.

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This work may include, preaching doctrine, leading worship, or giving spiritual counselling.

Convention Organizer

A convention organizer is someone that organizes conventions around the world. They host programs, parties, awards, etc. Working in such a field gives you the privilege to work in a foreign country like Canada without the need for a work permit.

This exemption only applies to organizers, those who provide hands-on services during the convention, and not all areas of specialization.

Crew member

As a member of a crew working as a driver, ship manager, or airline worker, you are granted a work permit exemption letter to carry out your duties in a foreign nation like Canada.

This opportunity is only provided If you follow two simple protocols:

  1. You must be working on vehicles that are owned. And registered by companies outside of Canada and are used in transporting cargo internationally.
  2. Your duties must be related to the operation of the vehicles or the passengers.


As an examiner who is a college professor, teacher, or academic expert. You would be able to carry out your academic duties in a foreign country like Canada without the need for a work permit.

Protocols may allow you to work with a Canadian educational institution or research group. These academic bodies are there to supervise your work in the country.

Foreign Government Officers

In order to work without a work permit in Canada as a foreign government official, you would be required to follow these rules:

  1. You must be an employee of a foreign government working under an exchange agreement. That allows officials to work in governments in your country.
  2. You must be a foreign diplomat or official representative of another country
  3. You must be a foreign diplomat or official representative of the United Nation
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The average amount each work is paid in Canada per hour ranges from $22 – $47 / hr. Which is approximately $176 per day and over $5,000 CAD per month.

This alone should be a motivation of getting a job in Canada. Using the information above, you can apply for positions that don’t require you to have a work permit to work in a country like Canada.